Study in Australia

Facts About Australia

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Why Study in Australia

Popular Cities of Australia

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world, but it has a population of just under 27 million. So, there’s a lot to explore, and plenty of space to do it in! 

The sheer size of Australia is often difficult to comprehend. Individual features of the country are vast – Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef, for example, covers an area bigger than the UK, Switzerland and Holland combined; equal to around 70 million football fields. The wild and beautiful Kimberley region in Western Australia alone covers an area approximately three times the size of England, and there’s only one sealed road in all that space! And flying from Sydney in the east to Perth in the west is a journey that takes well over five hours. Unsurprisingly, this enormous landscape contains breath-taking natural diversity, from the harsh but beautiful desert interior (the Outback) to the rainforests of tropical northern Queensland, the alpine ranges, grasslands and wetlands of Tasmania and the glorious golden sand beaches that can be found in almost every state in the country. Australia’s sunny climate and outdoor lifestyle means that there are so many ways to get out and about, whether that means yoga in the park, diving at the Reef, running on the beach or joining in with Australia’s national love of competitive sport. Cricket, Aussie Rules, football, netball, rugby – league and union – and tennis 

are just some of the sports with high public participation levels. Australia’s population, however, is small relative to its size. Its desert interior is inhospitable and so most Australians live within about 20km of the coast, with most of those concentrated in a southeastern curve from Adelaide up to southern Queensland. Australians themselves tend to be friendly, welcoming, confident types. The national stereotype is based on hard work, hard play and a sense of humour with a relaxed, easy-going approach taken to most things. Irreverent and democratic, the Australian love of cutting the overblown or overserious down to size is evident everywhere, from politics to billboard advertising. Australia’s cities are vibrant, busy, cosmopolitan places that offer residents and tourists alike huge amounts to see and do. You could study in glamorous Sydney, with its iconic landmarks of the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge. Or perhaps you’ll prefer Melbourne, with its hidden laneway bars and sophisticated, coffee-and-craft-beer-loving people. Or the vibrancy of sunny Brisbane? The economic powerhouse that is Perth? The laidback gentility of Adelaide? The choice is up to you How much money do you need to live as a student in Australia? There’s no simple answer to this question, as it depends on where and what you are studying as well as on your individual everyday needs and habits. What one person might consider an everyday necessity others think of as a once-a-term treat. Having said that, here we’ll try to give a rough idea of what to expect. When preparing your budget, remember to factor in how long you intend to be in Australia each year. The Australian academic year is typically 40 weeks long, and many of the online cost calculators and example budgets provided by Australian university websites work on the assumption that you will be there for just those 40 weeks. If you want to stay over the summer and work, or travel (both of which you are entitled to do on an Australian student visa) you will need to allow extra budget to cover this. The single biggest living expense for every student is housing. Each university offers several different accommodation options and we recommend looking into them, and factoring the likely costs into your budget, as early as you can. Fully-catered halls of residence or residential colleges are good in terms of having lots of things included in the overall bill, which means you then don’t need to worry about allowing for them in your weekly budget. Fees are generally payable at the start of the semester, often as a lump sum. Halls of residence and residential colleges vary in terms of what’s included in the price, but you can generally count on getting several meals a day, plus all your utilities covered. The fee may also include internet access, local phone calls, laundry and so forth. Check the websites carefully to see what is (and is not) included in the price. All you are then left to worry about are any additional course costs (such as textbooks, art materials, field trips and so on) and spending money for nights out, trips away, and everyday treats like takeaway coffees. Which some people find easier to manage, particularly during their first year away from home. Fully catered accommodation, however, does not allow for much flexibility in your budget. Having a large chunk of each semester’s budget pre-allocated might not leave you with much left over, 

and does not give you the option of, for example, going for cheap eats for a while to save cash. Self-catered university flats or halls of residence offer all the security of fully catered halls 

(including not having to worry about utilities, only having to pay per term, being on or close to campus so lower travel costs etc) but give you the added flexibility of being able to control your food spending. The amount people spend on food varies hugely, but if you can cook, are happy to shop around for ingredients and take leftovers to campus the next day for lunch, this can definitely work out to be a less expensive option than fully-catered. Renting a room or a flat privately is not something that we recommend for new first year undergraduates but lots of 

returning students and most postgraduates choose to stay in private rental accommodation, in part to give themselves as much financial flexibility as possible. While renting privately may 

appear by far the cheapest option at first look, don’t forget that you will need to budget for all your food, utilities, internet, local travel (if living away from campus) and the set up for your 

flat (any missing furniture, linen, kitchen kit, hire of television and white goods) on top of the weekly rent. Also remember that the lease on private housing is likely to be for 52 weeks, so if you are not intending to stay past the academic year, you might end up paying for housing that you don’t use. The amount of rent you pay will partly be determined by the number of people sharing the property – generally, the more of you there are, the lower the rent. 

  • Aboriginal Australians are the various Indigenous peoples of the Australian mainland and many of its islands, such as Tasmania, Fraser Island, Hinchinbrook Island, the Tiwi Islands, and Groote Eylandt
  • Aboriginal Australians comprise many distinct peoples who have developed across Australia for over 50,000 years.
  •  Australian Aborigines migrated from somewhere in Asia.
  •  These peoples have a broadly shared, though complex, genetic history, but it is only in the last two hundred years that they have been defined and started to self-identify as a single group.
  • The definition of the term “Aboriginal” has changed over time and place, with family lineage, self-identification and community acceptance all being of varying importance. 
  • Aborigines are Australia’s indigenous people. 
  • Recent government statistics counted approximately 400,000 aboriginal people, or about 2% of Australia’s total population. 

Australian economy is characterized by its stability, resource-rich nature, and close ties to the Asia-Pacific region. Here are key aspects of the Australian economy: 


Resource-Based Economy: Australia is known for its abundance of natural resources, including minerals, energy resources, and agricultural products. The country is a major exporter of commodities such as iron ore, coal, natural gas, and agricultural goods. 

Mining and Resources: The mining sector plays a crucial role in the Australian economy. It is a significant contributor to export earnings, employment, and government revenue. Major mining regions include Western Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales. 

Services Sector: The services sector is a major component of the Australian economy, contributing significantly to GDP and employment. Key sub-sectors include finance, insurance, real estate, healthcare, education, and tourism. 

Financial Services: Australia has a well-developed financial sector, with major banks and financial institutions operating both domestically and internationally. The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is the primary stock exchange. 

Agriculture: Agriculture is an important sector, contributing to both domestic consumption and exports. Australia is a major exporter of agricultural products, including wheat, beef, wool, and wine. 

Real Estate Market: The real estate market has been a significant factor in the Australian economy. Cities like Sydney and Melbourne have experienced periods of robust property price growth, although there have been fluctuations. 

Trade and Export: Australia is a major player in international trade. China has been a significant trading partner, particularly for exports of minerals and agricultural products. However, Australia has been diversifying its trade relationships. 

Currency: The Australian Dollar (AUD) is the official currency. Its value can be influenced by commodity prices, interest rates, and global economic conditions. 

Government and Fiscal Policy: Australia has a strong tradition of fiscal responsibility. The government’s economic policies aim to maintain economic stability, control inflation, and support sustainable growth. 

Labor Market: The labor market is diverse, with significant contributions from various industries. Unemployment rates and workforce participation are important indicators of economic health. 

Innovation and Technology: Australia is investing in innovation and technology, with growing sectors such as fintech, biotechnology, and renewable energy. 

Challenges: Australia faces challenges such as the impact of climate change on agriculture, managing the transition away from coal in the energy sector, and adapting to technological changes. 


  • The culture of Australia is primarily a Western culture, derived from Britain but also influenced by the unique geography of Australia, the cultural input of AboriginalTorres Strait Islander and other Australian people
  • The British colonization of Australia began in 1788, and waves of multi-ethnic migration followed. 
  • Australia has a unique history that has shaped the diversity of its peoples, their cultures and lifestyles . 
  • Three major contributors to Australia’s demographic make-up are a diverse Indigenous population, a British colonial past and extensive immigration from many different countries and cultures. 
  • Today, Australia’s population of about 23.4 million is one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse populations in the world.
  • More than 75% of Australians identified with an ancestry other than Australian as their first response.
  • About 3% of Australians identified as being Aboriginal, Torres Strait islander or both and
  • About 45% reported having at least one parent who has born overseas
  • Around 26% of the population were born in another country. 
  • Of the overseas born, the major countries of birth were England, New Zealand and China. 
  • About 19% of overseas born Australians were born in non-English speaking countries .
  •  In all, Australians come from over 200 birthplaces.

Australia has a diverse range of climates due to its vast size and varied geography. The country experiences different climate zones, ranging from tropical in the north to temperate and arid in the interior. Here’s a brief overview of the main climate regions in Australia: 


Tropical Climate (North):  Northern Australia, including the northern parts of Queensland, the Northern Territory, and the northern regions of Western Australia, experiences a tropical climate. This zone has distinct wet and dry seasons. During the wet season (summer), there is heavy rainfall, tropical cyclones, and high humidity. The dry season (winter) is characterized by lower humidity and less rainfall. 

Subtropical Climate (East Coast and Southern Regions): The eastern coastal areas, including Sydney and Brisbane, have a subtropical climate with relatively mild winters and warm to hot summers. Winters are generally mild, with cooler temperatures and lower humidity. Summers can be hot, and some areas may experience occasional rainfall. 

Mediterranean Climate (South and Southwest): Parts of southern Australia, including Adelaide, Melbourne, and Perth, have a Mediterranean climate. Summers are typically hot and dry, while winters are cooler and wetter. The temperature variation between seasons is more pronounced than in other regions. 

Arid and Desert Climate (Central Australia): Central Australia, including the Outback regions, is characterized by arid and desert climates. This area experiences hot temperatures during the day and can be quite cold at night. Rainfall is scarce, and there are vast expanses of arid landscapes. 

Temperate Climate (Southeast): The southeastern regions, including Victoria and parts of New South Wales, have a temperate climate. Winters are cool, with some areas experiencing frost and occasional snowfall in higher elevations. Summers are warm to hot, and rainfall is relatively evenly distributed throughout the year. 

Alpine Climate (Snowy Mountains): The Snowy Mountains in southeastern Australia experience an alpine climate. Winters are cold with snowfall, making it a popular destination for winter sports enthusiasts. Summers are generally cool. 


It’s important to note that Australia’s climate can be influenced by natural climate phenomena, such as El Niño and La Niña, which can lead to variations in temperature and rainfall patterns across the country. Additionally, climate change is impacting weather patterns globally, including in Australia, leading to shifts in temperature and precipitation trends. 

Australia has a robust and internationally recognized education system that accommodates students from primary school to higher education. The Australian education system is known for its high standards, diverse courses, and research opportunities. The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) serves as a national policy for regulated qualifications in Australia. 

Here’s an overview of the Australian education system, including details about the AQF: 

  1. School Education:

Primary Education: Typically, primary education spans six years, starting around the age of six. 

Secondary Education: Secondary education lasts for six years, usually from Year 7 to Year 12. Students usually undertake the Higher School Certificate (HSC) or its equivalent. 

  1. Tertiary Education:

Vocational Education and Training (VET): VET provides practical skills and knowledge for specific industries. 

Qualifications range from Certificate I to Advanced Diploma. 

TAFE (Technical and Further Education) institutes offer many VET courses. 

Higher Education: Higher education institutions offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. 

Bachelor’s degrees typically take three to four years. 

Master’s degrees usually take one to two years after completing a bachelor’s degree. 

Doctoral degrees (Ph.D.) involve original research and take around three to four years. 

There are 42 universities in Australia: 40 Australian universities (37 public and 3 private) and 2 international private universities. 

According to the QS World Rankings, 7 universities are ranked among the top 100 universities globally. 

Australian student visas usually allow full time degree students (whether undergraduate or postgraduate) to work up to 48 hours per fortnight in the academic year and unlimited hours during university holidays. The minimum wage in Australia, as of July 2023, is A$23.23 per hour before tax. All Australian universities have a Student Job Search service, to help their students find part-time work during term time and in the summer holidays. If you want to find part-time work, make sure you join or access this service as soon as you can and check the job boards regularly, as new offers come in on a rolling basis. If you already have experience in an area – whether it’s serving behind a bar, office work or waiting tables – it is a good idea to do some preparation before you leave home, so you can hit the ground running in your search for work once you arrive in Australia. Take an up-to-date CV with you, and references from previous employers. If you intend to get a job that involves serving alcohol, please remember that you will need an RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) certificate in order to do this in Australia. It is possible to do your RSA training online and get the required certificate before you arrive 

in Australia, although note that not all states and territories accept online courses – Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania all insist on face-to-face RSA training. Please remember, 

however, that there is no guarantee offinding part-time work, and definitely no way of knowing how long it might take you to get the job that you want. It is important to plan your budget with this in mind. Don’t assume you’ll be able to step off the plane straight into a high-paying part time job – have a backup plan! 


Popular Courses to Study in Australia

  • The eCoE is an acronym for the electronic Confirmation of Enrolment. 
  • Upon submitting the acceptance and payment deposit to the chosen institution, the institution will issue an electronic letter (eCoE) to the student to proceed with the student Visa application.
  • The eCoE discloses information such as the unique COE number (required for visa application), personal details, course name, course start and end date, tuition fees amount paid, OSHC provider, and others.
  • A student cannot lodge a student Visa application without an eCoE
  • The genuine temporary entrant (GTE) requirement is an integrity assessment that all applicants for a student visa must provide to substantiate that they are coming to Australia temporarily to gain a quality education and intend to use the student visa program for its intended purpose only and not as a channel to gain residency in Australia.

International students must have OSHC to cover medical expenses while studying in Australia. It is a mandatory requirement for most international students to have OSHC for the entire duration of their stay in Australia. OSHC helps cover the costs of medical and hospital care while students are in the country. Here are key points about OSHC: 

  1. Mandatory Requirement: OSHC is a mandatory visa requirement for most international students applying for a student visa in Australia.
  2. Coverage Period: International students must have OSHC coverage for the entire duration of their student visa. It should commence from the day the student arrives in Australia and continue until the end of the visa period.
  3. Insurance Providers: Several approved OSHC providers offer health insurance coverage for international students. These providers include both government-approved and private insurers.
  4. Coverage Benefits: OSHC provides coverage for a range of medical services, including doctor visits, hospitalization, prescription medications, emergency ambulance transport, and limited dental and optical services.
  5. Exclusions and Limitations: OSHC policies may have exclusions and limitations. It's essential for students to carefully review their policy to understand what is covered and any specific conditions or waiting periods.
  6. Visa Application: Students are required to purchase OSHC before applying for a student visa. Proof of OSHC coverage is necessary for the visa application process.
  7. Family Coverage: Some OSHC providers offer family policies, which allow the family members of international students to be covered under the same policy.
  8. Renewal and Extensions: Students may need to renew their OSHC if they extend their stay or continue their studies beyond the initial visa period. It's important to maintain continuous coverage.
  9. Claiming Process: In case of medical expenses, students can make claims with their OSHC provider. The process involves submitting relevant documents, such as medical receipts and invoices.
The Group of Eight is a coalition of leading research-intensive universities in Australia. These universities are known for their strong research programs and are recognized both nationally and internationally. The Go8 universities include:  Australian National University (ANU)  University of Melbourne  University of Sydney  University of Queensland  University of New South Wales (UNSW)  University of Western Australia (UWA)  University of Adelaide  Monash University 
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