Study in Ireland

National Symbols of the Ireland


Why Study in Ireland

Popular Cities of Ireland

  • Ireland consistently places among the Top 10 or 20 in the world on international rankings of countries’ quality of life, peace, and human development. For example, Global Peace Index 2021 ranks Ireland 8th most peaceful country in the world; and Human Development Index 2019 ranked Ireland #2 in the top 10 countries with the highest Human Development Index (HDI). 
  • With its highly sophisticated business infrastructure, Ireland ranks among the world’s most competitive countries. It is home to the European headquarters of some of the world’s largest technology firms (e.g., Google, Facebook, and Apple). 
  • The higher education system in Ireland is robust, with globally ranked universities renowned for research output as well as Institutes of Technology and private third-level colleges able to match the diverse goals and talents of students. 
  • Ireland offers favourable currency exchange rates, tuition fees, and living costs relative to other popular destinations. 
  • International students are attracted to the welcoming visa and immigration environment in Ireland. Under the Third Level Graduate Scheme, (1) honours undergraduate degree holders (Level 8) can stay in Ireland to work (and/or to seek employment) for 12 months after finishing their studies, and masters and postgraduate students (Levels 9 and 10) can work for up to 2 years after they graduate. 

Ireland, traditionally known for its Celtic heritage, has evolved into a vibrant multicultural society in recent decades. Immigration has played a significant role in shaping Ireland’s cultural landscape, with diverse communities adding richness and depth to the nation’s identity. Today, Ireland is home to people from various ethnicities, nationalities, and religious backgrounds, contributing to a tapestry of cultural traditions, languages, and cuisines.

Cities like Dublin, Cork, and Galway serve as melting pots of multiculturalism, where residents and visitors can experience a blend of Irish customs alongside influences from around the world. This cultural diversity is evident in festivals, events, and culinary offerings throughout the country. Additionally, the presence of international students, workers, and refugees further enhances Ireland’s multicultural fabric, fostering cross-cultural understanding and dialogue.

Despite challenges and occasional tensions, Ireland continues to embrace diversity as a source of strength, promoting inclusivity, tolerance, and respect for all its inhabitants, regardless of their backgrounds.

Irish tuition fees for non-EU students can be between €15,000 and €43,000 a year, which is similar to the UK. 

Living costs in Ireland are also similar to the UK and are known for being on the higher side of Europe. In general, you will pay more if you live in Dublin than anywhere else in the country. Estimates suggest the average student needs between €8,000 – €13,000 to live on each year – excluding tuition fees. 

Fees and funding 

UCD offers a number of graduate scholarships for full-time, self-funding international students. 


International Foundation Year Scholarship 

  • Amount: Up to €4,000. The ISC scholarships are awarded from €1,000 to €3,000, plus an additional €1,000 based on the academic excellence 
  • Requirements: Based on the academic excellence for entry to the International Foundation Year 

Fee information 

International Foundation Year 

  • Business, Economics and Finance: €20,000 per program 
  • Engineering and Sciences: €21,000 per program 
  • Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities: €20,500 per program 

Irish culture is often associated with ancient peoples and traditions, and is one of the Celtic nations of Europe (along with Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, Isle of Man, and Brittany). Pride in ancestry and traditions remains strong, but Ireland is also defined by its openness to immigration and its welcoming attitude towards newcomers. 

Ireland is a family-oriented society, and the Irish are outgoing and friendly. This extends to their approach to international students; there are many opportunities for students to make friends. Irish people are world-renowned for their great wit and humour – which is called “the craic” (pronounced “crack”). Gentle teasing is common among family and friends and is generally a sign of affection. 

Ireland’s weather is mild and lacks the temperature extremes of other countries located at the same latitude. The average temperature on land is 10°C. 

During the spring months (February to April), the average highest temperatures range from 8 to 12°C, while in summer (May to July) the averages for highest temperatures are between 18 and 20°C. July and August receive about 18 hours of daylight and it generally gets dark only after 11 PM. 

Winter temperatures average around 8°C. During the coolest months (January and February), the temperature occasionally drops below freezing. Snow is rare, except in the high hills and mountains, and long stretches of cold weather are infrequent. Ireland is known, however, for abundant rainfall, particularly in the winter months and in the western part of the country. Fog is also common in coastal areas. 

When packing for studies in Ireland, students should think of the fact that they will often be dressing in layers: for example, with a t-shirt underneath and a sweater over top that can be taken off if the temperature changes, as it often does in Ireland. Even in the span of one day, it can feel warm or cool depending on what hour it is, so students need to be ready for anything. Sweaters can be necessary even in the summer. And very important: students should bring waterproof clothing and an umbrella for outdoor activities, as well as comfortable shoes for the great walks and hikes that are accessible all over Ireland. 

The education system in Ireland is comprehensive and follows a similar structure to many other Western countries. Here’s an overview:

  1. Early Childhood Education (ECE):

    • Early childhood education in Ireland is not compulsory but widely available.
    • It typically includes preschool and childcare services for children up to six years old.
  2. Primary Education:

    • Primary education is compulsory for children aged six to twelve.
    • It consists of an eight-year program divided into junior infants, senior infants, and first to sixth classes.
    • Primary schools are usually run by religious or educational bodies, with the curriculum covering a range of subjects including English, Irish, mathematics, science, history, and physical education.
  3. Post-Primary Education:

    • Post-primary education is provided by secondary schools, vocational schools, community colleges, and comprehensive schools.
    • It encompasses Junior Cycle (three years) and Senior Cycle (two or three years).
    • The Junior Cycle includes a broad range of subjects, and students typically sit the Junior Certificate examination.
    • The Senior Cycle offers the option of the Leaving Certificate (established) or Leaving Certificate Vocational Program (LCVP), both of which are two-year programs and serve as the main route to university or further education.
  4. Higher Education:

    • Higher education in Ireland includes universities, institutes of technology, and colleges of education.
    • Universities offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees across various disciplines.
    • Institutes of technology focus more on vocational and technical education, offering degrees, diplomas, and certificates.
    • Colleges of education specialize in teacher training.
    • The Irish education system is renowned for its high-quality tertiary institutions, attracting students from around the world.
  5. Further Education and Training:

    • Further education and training (FET) provide opportunities for lifelong learning, skill development, and vocational training.
    • FET institutions offer a wide range of courses and programs catering to different interests and career paths.

Overall, Ireland’s education system emphasizes academic excellence, vocational training, and lifelong learning, contributing to a skilled and educated workforce and a prosperous society.

In Ireland, there are several types of higher education institutions, each offering different types of programs and focusing on various areas of study. Here are the main types:

  1. Universities:

    • Universities in Ireland offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs across various disciplines.
    • They conduct research and provide advanced education in fields such as science, arts, business, engineering, medicine, and more.
    • Examples include Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, and University College Cork.
  2. Institutes of Technology (IoTs):

    • Institutes of Technology provide programs focused on practical and technical education, including engineering, technology, applied sciences, and business.
    • They offer a mix of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, diplomas, and certificates.
    • Examples include Dublin Institute of Technology (now Technological University Dublin), Cork Institute of Technology, and Institute of Technology Sligo.
  3. Colleges of Education:

    • Colleges of Education specialize in teacher training and education-related programs.
    • They offer courses and degrees in areas such as primary education, secondary education, special education, and educational leadership.
    • Examples include Mary Immaculate College, Dublin City University Institute of Education, and St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra.
  4. Private Colleges:

    • Private colleges in Ireland offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, often with a focus on specific industries or professions.
    • They may offer programs in business, management, healthcare, arts, and more.
    • Examples include Griffith College Dublin, Dublin Business School, and National College of Ireland.
  5. Colleges of Further Education (FE):

    • Colleges of Further Education provide vocational and technical education and training programs.
    • They offer courses and qualifications at various levels, including certificates, diplomas, and apprenticeships.
    • Examples include Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education, Liberties College, and Cork College of Commerce.

Each type of institution plays a crucial role in Ireland’s higher education landscape, catering to diverse student needs and interests and contributing to the country’s skilled workforce and academic excellence.

International students studying in Ireland have certain opportunities to work part-time while pursuing their studies. Here’s an overview:

  1. Part-Time Work: International students who are enrolled in a degree program at a recognized Irish higher education institution are allowed to work part-time during the academic term (up to 20 hours per week) and full-time during scheduled holidays.

  2. Permission to Work: Non-EEA (European Economic Area) students must obtain immigration permission to work in Ireland. This permission is usually granted automatically as part of their student visa or residence permit.

  3. Types of Work: International students can engage in various types of part-time work, including retail, hospitality, administrative roles, and internships. However, they cannot engage in self-employment or operate a business.

  4. Taxation: Students working in Ireland are subject to taxation on their earnings. They are required to obtain a Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) and may need to register for income tax with the Revenue Commissioners.

  5. Post-Study Work Opportunities: Upon completing their studies, international students may be eligible to stay and work in Ireland for a certain period under the Third Level Graduate Scheme. This allows graduates to seek employment and gain valuable work experience in Ireland.

  6. Job Market: Ireland has a thriving job market, particularly in sectors such as technology, healthcare, finance, and pharmaceuticals. International students with relevant skills and qualifications may find job opportunities in these industries.

  7. Language Requirements: Proficiency in English is essential for most jobs in Ireland. International students should ensure they have adequate language skills to communicate effectively in the workplace.

It’s important for international students to familiarize themselves with the specific rules and regulations governing work rights in Ireland and to comply with all legal requirements while working in the country.

Popular Courses to Study in Ireland

As with many other countries in Europe, standard undergraduate degrees in Ireland last for three or four years, with a master’s being the natural progression if desired. 

Ireland is home to institutions that specialize in certain subjects, including business schools, medical universities, and engineering universities. Whether you’re looking to study for a bachelor’s, master’s, MBA, or PhD, We can help you find the perfect place to study abroad. 

  • Irish tuition fees for non-EU students can be between €15,000 and €43,000 a year, which is similar to the UK. 

    Living costs in Ireland are also similar to the UK and are known for being on the higher side of Europe. In general, you will pay more if you live in Dublin than anywhere else in the country. Estimates suggest the average student needs between €8,000 - €13,000 to live on each year – excluding tuition fees. 

Ireland is a beautiful country with friendly people and a strong social scene. Dublin is Ireland’s capital and major city and is a popular destination with both tourists and students. You can expect to spend plenty of time in pubs sipping pints of Guinness in Dublin.  Outside of the major cities, Ireland is home to lots of rural countryside. It’s well worth taking the time out of studying to visit the country’s villages, where you can take part in adventure activities like windsurfing, hang-gliding, rock climbing or trekking.  Extreme weather in Ireland is rare, although the country does experience plenty of rain due to its location on the Atlantic coast. 
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