The Occupational English Test

The Occupational English Test (OET) is an English language proficiency test specifically designed for healthcare professionals. It assesses the language skills of healthcare professionals who seek to register and practice in an English-speaking environment.

Where Learning Begin

Occupational English Test Language (OET) is recognized and trusted by healthcare regulators and organizations in countries such as the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Dubai, and Singapore. It evaluates the language skills of healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists. The test consists of four sub-tests: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Each sub-test assesses language skills in a healthcare context, focusing on tasks relevant to the healthcare profession, such as patient consultations, medical charts, and healthcare-related documents. Occupational English Test Language (OET) is given to healthcare professionals to ensure that they have the necessary English language skills to communicate effectively and safely in a healthcare setting. Effective communication in healthcare is crucial for patient safety, accurate diagnosis, and appropriate treatment. Therefore, healthcare regulatory bodies and institutions require healthcare professionals to demonstrate proficiency in English through tests like Occupational English Test Language (OET) before they can practice in English-speaking countries.

The Occupational English Test

The Occupational English Test (OET) assesses English language proficiency specifically for healthcare professionals. The exam consists of four sub-tests: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Here's an overview of the format and structure of each sub-test:

Reading (60 minutes): The Listening sub-test consists of three parts.
Part A: Consultation extracts (about 15 minutes). You listen to a recorded professional-patient consultation and answer multiple-choice questions.
Part B: Short workplace extracts (about 15 minutes). You listen to short recordings related to typical healthcare workplace scenarios and answer multiple-choice questions.
Part C: Presentation extracts (about 20 minutes). You listen to a recorded presentation or lecture related to healthcare and answer multiple-choice questions.
Writing (45 minutes):
The Listening sub-test consists of three parts.
Part A: Consultation extracts (about 15 minutes). You listen to a recorded professional-patient consultation and answer multiple-choice questions.
Part B: Short workplace extracts (about 15 minutes). You listen to short recordings related to typical healthcare workplace scenarios and answer multiple-choice questions.
Part C: Presentation extracts (about 20 minutes). You listen to a recorded presentation or lecture related to healthcare and answer multiple-choice questions.

Speaking (approximately 20 minutes):

The Writing sub-test consists of one task.
Task: You are required to write a letter that is typically based on a typical healthcare-related situation or scenario. The task assesses your ability to produce a clear, concise, and well-organized letter with appropriate language and tone.

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The Speaking sub-test

The Speaking sub-test is conducted face-to-face with an interlocutor.
The Speaking test is divided into two role-play scenarios. Each scenario simulates a typical healthcare-related interaction, such as a patient consultation or discussion with a colleague.
In each role-play scenario, you are required to take on a specific role (either the healthcare professional or the patient/relative/colleague) and engage in a conversation based on the given prompts. This assesses your ability to communicate effectively in spoken English in a healthcare context.
Overall, the OET exam is designed to assess the language skills of healthcare professionals in real-life healthcare scenarios and to ensure that they can communicate effectively and confidently in English-speaking healthcare environments.