Study in Canada

National Symbols of the Canada


Why Study in Canada

Popular Cities of Canada

Students who have never been to Canada often have an image of it as the land of snow and hockey. What they find when they come to the country is quite different. Polar bears are only found in the northernmost regions and in most parts of Canada, winter only lasts a few months of the year. Hockey is our national winter sport but there are a thousand other sports and activities to choose from—some on sunny beaches, some near vast lakes or oceans, and some in the midst of busy modern cities. 

Canada is a land of rich diversity, encompassing urban sophistication and abundant nature and wildlife. It is safe yet exciting; stable yet filled with adventure. It features cutting-edge technology, inspiring cultural icons, and a vibrant society that is open to everyone. Canadians tend to be modern, welcoming, and open-minded. 
Across Canada are examples of excellence, innovation, and beauty, all of which—along with top-notch educational institutions—make Canada one of the leading study abroad destinations in the world. 

Canada Is Multicultural and Open to the World: Canada is officially bilingual (English and French), and across the country, more than 200 languages are spoken. The biggest cities – Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal – are home to many immigrant communities. A tolerant culture is among the top Canadian values—informally, on the streets and public venues, and formally, in Canada’s laws and government. Of particular note is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that enshrines equality for all. 

One of the world’s wealthiest major industrialized countries, Canada has always been a trading nation and commerce remains the engine of economic growth. It is a member of the G7, the G20, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United Nations (UN), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and many other international bodies. 

Canada’s economy includes three main types of industries: 

  • Service industries provide thousands of different jobs in areas like transportation, education, health care, construction, banking, communications, retail services, tourism, and government. More than 75% of working Canadians now have jobs in service industries. 
  • Manufacturing industries make products to sell in Canada and around the world. Manufactured products include paper, high technology equipment, aerospace technology, automobiles, machinery, food, clothing, and many other goods. Canada’s largest international trading partner is the United States. 
  • Natural resources industries include forestry, fishing, agriculture, mining, and energy. These industries have played an important part in the country’s history and development. Today, the economy of many areas of the country still depends on developing natural resources, and a large percentage of Canada’s exports are natural resources commodities. 

While Canada boasts a highly educated workforce and a diversified economy, it is unusual among developed nations in the continuing importance of its natural resources sector (e.g., forestry, mining, energy)—even as it is one of the world’s most computer-literate and technologically sophisticated markets. 

The Canadian Dollar is one of the most stable currencies in the world. Unless otherwise specified, all dollar figures presented throughout this course are in Canadian Dollars (CAD). You can check the current exchange rates for your local currency with this convenient currency converter from the Bank of Canada. 

Canada Is a Wonderful Place to Live and Study: Since 2004, the United Nations has regularly ranked Canada highly in its Quality of Life Index. Combining excellent educational institutions, an innovative economy, a tolerant and safe culture, and extraordinary beauty, Canada is an ideal destination for international students.

Occupying the northern region of the North American continent, Canada’s land mass is 9,093,507 square kilometres, making it the second largest country in the world after Russia. In addition to coastlines on the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, Canada has a third seacoast on the Arctic Ocean, giving it the longest coastline of any country. To the south, Canada shares an 8,893-kilometre land border—the longest in the world—with the United States. To the north, the Arctic islands come within 800 kilometres of the North Pole. Canada’s neighbour across the Arctic Ocean is Russia. 

About 80% of Canadians live within 160 kilometres of the country’s southern border, where there are warm springs, hot summers, and pleasantly crisp autumns. Winter usually runs from December to March, but the exact dates and lowest temperatures will vary across the country. Canada’s climate is characterized by its diversity, both from region to region and with four distinct seasons.  

Canada’s seasonal temperature variations are embraced by Canadians: there are so many leisure activities to choose from as a result, from swimming outdoors in the summer to skiing in the winter! Although many outdoor activities require special equipment, rentals or second-hand items are easy to find and affordable. Most institutions have clubs which will bring student groups camping or skiing, making outdoor activities even more accessible to international students.

International students should be assured that all buildings in which they will study are well-heated in winter months, and most have air conditioning in the summer. Many university and college campuses have underground tunnels or covered bridges through which students can move from building to building in comfort, regardless of the weather.  

Temperatures vary through the year and depending on the city. For example, students staying for a year in Toronto may see +35C as well as -20C, while students studying in Vancouver or Halifax will see more mild temperatures but will have many more rainy days. Agents should advise students studying in Canada to bring appropriate clothing depending on the weather conditions they are likely to face, for example a warm coat, hat, boots, scarf and mittens in the winter, a good rain coat for spring and summer, and cool summer clothing for those staying in June – August. For more detailed weather information visit:  

  • Wherever you study, at whatever level, they can be sure of getting a degree, diploma, or certificate that will be recognized around the world. Canada is among the leaders in the G8 in terms of its per capita investment in education, leading to high-quality and well-respected faculty, programs, and institutions. 
  • Each Canadian province and territory has its own quality assurance (accreditation) mechanisms to ensure high educational standards are met, and there are robust laws, policies, and procedures that govern the operation of all K-12 and post-secondary institutions. Each province also offers students the ability to study in English, in French, or in both. 
  • Canadian students are consistently ranked among the top academic performers in reading, math, and science according to ongoing OECD and PISA research. Moreover, students gain practical skills and hands-on training and generally have easy access to teachers, instructors, and professors. 
  • There are excellent resources to help agents/students find out how to evaluate how/ whether their existing academic credentials will be accepted in Canada. One of these resources can be found at, a website that provides information on education credential assessment in Canada. 
  • Canada has an excellent reputation for transfers between levels/types of education, making studying here flexible and exciting—students don’t run into the bureaucratic roadblocks common in less flexible education systems. Moreover, Canada is known for its laws allowing eligible post-secondary students to work in Canada while studying and after graduation, and for providing opportunities for eligible graduates to attain permanent residence. 

Certificate Course: Certification courses are basically worked for students who are not able to get into degree programs. Generally, Duration of these courses vary from six months to one year of duration. 

Diploma Course: Diploma is a short term course generally of 2 or 3 years which mainly focus on training students in particular field. The admission to diploma course can be taken after clearing high school examination. Diploma is being done through recognized university or an educational institution. 

Bachelor’s Degree: An undergraduate or Bachelor’s degree is usually the first university degree, such as an Associate or Bachelor’s degree. 

 Master’s Degree: A postgraduate degree encompasses a range of qualifications that require an undergraduate degree to be considered for entry, these include courses at Postgraduate Diploma level all the way to a PhD. 

Doctoral Degree: A doctorate degree is the highest level of academic degree in most fields. For research or university teaching, the degree is usually a PhD. Typically a doctorate degree takes four years to complete, post-bachelor’s degree. 

 Professional school degree: Professional degrees include the Doctor of Medicine (MD), the Doctor of Education (EdD), and the Juris Doctor (JD), among others. 


The Canadian education system is valued as being a world-leader in research programs while as yet staying accessible and diverse.  

Canadian degree programs appear to be more adaptable too.  

Regardless of what degree students choose to study, they are given some option with regards to choosing classes.  

Along these lines, Canadian students can decide on their own workload and what subjects they will study as per the discipline 

Post-Secondary education is the responsibility of the individual provinces and territory.   

At the post-secondary level, Canada extends a range of educational institutions.  

There are two major types of Institutions: 

  • Degree-Granting Institutions 
  • Non degree granting Institutions 

What is a University? 

  • An institution which offers both undergraduate and post graduate degrees is considered a university. University offers undergraduate programs that will lead a student towards a master’s degree or a doctorate. University will also offer a more diverse curriculum and programs because they have a much larger number of enrolled students. 

What is a University College? 

  • The term ‘university college’ is used in a number of countries to denote institutions that offer tertiary education but do not have full or independent university status. A university college is often part of a larger university. 

What is a Community College? 

  • The Canadian provinces financially support some of the colleges in their province. These publicly-funded colleges are called community colleges. They may receive funds from the federal government of Canada or other sources as well. 

What is a Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning? 

  • Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning is a polytechnic institution . All of the qualifications they offer are career-focused, with an emphasis on hands-on learning, so students are fully prepared for the workplace after they graduate. 

What is a College of Applied Arts and Technology? 

  • College of Applied Arts and Technology offers  full-time, part-time, certificate, diploma, web based, correspondence and apprenticeship programs. It provides postsecondary and career-entrance preparation programs to provide better opportunities to students. 

Generally, international students can work off campus up to 20 hours per week: During regular school sessions or while you are studying as part of an intensive program with no planned breaks. If your studies are part-time because you are finishing the last session of your program.

Popular Courses to Study in Canada

The Quebec education system comprises four levels: 

  •  Preschool and elementary education 
  •  Secondary education (high school, adult academic and  vocational training) 
  •  College education (pre-university and technical programs) and  
  •  University education.  

College education in Québec education system : 

College is the first level of post-secondary studies and precedes university studies. 

The college network offers various educational opportunities: 

  • programs leading to a Diploma of College Studies (DCS) 
  • programs leading to an Attestation of College Studies (ACS) 
  • other types of education and training 
  • CEGEP(Collège d'enseignement général et professionnel) 

Programs of Study Leading to a DCS 

  • A program is an integrated set of learning activities leading to the achievement of educational objectives based on set standards. 

Programs of Study Leading to an ACS 

  • Programs leading to an ACS are technical programs set by the colleges. The colleges establish the competencies to be acquired, determine the courses and are responsible for the evaluation of learning and the certification of studies. The ACS is a diploma issued by the colleges. 
  • In Quebec, a Cegep is the equivalent of a community college. Cegeps offer two-year general studies programs in preparation for university or three-year technical programs that prepares students for the job market.

The Certificat d'Acceptation du Quebec (Quebec Acceptance Certificate, CAQ) is required for most temporary foreign workers and students who intend to reside in the province of Quebec. 

Fee: There is a $117 application fee for a CAQ for studies. The fee is non-refundable, even if the application is denied. 

student visa application process for Indian students applying to study in Canada involves several steps. It's important to note that immigration policies and procedures can change, so it's recommended to refer to the official website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or consult with a registered immigration consultant for the most up-to-date information. Here is a general overview of the student visa application process for Canada: 

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